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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The hearts of lovers have eyes.
They see what other watchers fail to see.
With featherless wings they fly
to the Realm of the Lord of the Worlds

According to Abu Yazid al-Bistami: "Allah's people are the brides of Allah." Allah's saints [awliya'] have also been described as the brides of Allah. The point is that these "brides" are secluded by the veil of intimacy, visible to no one but Allah

Yahya ibn Mu'adh ar-Razi: "The saint [wali] is the perfume of Allah upon the earth. The champions of the Truth detect its fragrance." Its scent reaches their hearts, so it makes them yearn for their Master. Their devotion to worship increases in proportion to the annihilation of their ordinary natures, because nearness increases as extinction increases. The saint becomes extinct to his worldly condition, and survives in witnessing the Truth. He retains no personal volition, and has no residence with anyone other than Allah. He has charismatic powers at his disposal, but he stays aloof from them, because he sees what others do not see, and regards divulging the secret of Lordship as an act of infidelity [kufr]

The shop of the freely moving spirit is the heart. Its merchandise is knowledge of the Spiritual Path, and its business is its preoccupation with the first four Names [of Allah]. These are among the twelve roots of the Names, which have no pronunciation and no alphabetic spelling

Allah has sent down upon them the tranquillity of intimate friendship, and Allah has firmly established the tree of the affirmation of Oneness. The root of that tree is firmly planted in the seventh [level of the] earth, in the very ground beneath us, and its branches spread in the heaven above, extending beyond the Throne

The profit of this shop is the life of the heart. The freely moving spirit enjoys direct vision in the realm of Sovereignty [Malakut], where it witnesses the Gardens, their radiant lights and their angels. Its speech is the speech of the inner being, and it considers the inner Names without sound or spelling. Its abode in the Hereafter is in the second Garden, which is the Garden of Bliss

The shop of the royal spirit is the heart's core. Its merchandise is direct knowledge, and its business is constant attention to the four Names, expressed in the language of the heart

When the human being reaches his goal, minds become constricted, hearts become perplexed and tongues become exhausted. He cannot give any account of that experience, because Allah is exempt from all likenesses. When such accounts do reach the scholars, they must therefore base their understanding on the various levels of knowledge, seek to grasp their real meanings, and turn their attention toward the highest heights. They must strive to attain to knowledge of the Divine Presence and understanding of the Singular Essence, without rejecting and denying the explanation we have given.....

day on hallajian love

masa ini aku terpesona,
memandang warna yang kupikir adalah utama_
(cih.. pandangan pemula si bocah
yang baru belajar bicara)
cintanya membuatku terpana,,
ia hamparkan warna hitam yang mempesona,
jubah Cinta yang sangat sempurna..

warna apa yang bisa menutupi pelangi ?!?,
menghadirkan yang hakiki,
memfanakan diri,
menafikan nurani..?#!,
ku kira cuma warna ini..
ku kira ini adalah warna Tertinggi..
warna kuasa sang Cinta..

pecinta itu...
dia memakai jubahnya dengan senyuman
dengan tarian ketulusan,,
sayup-sayup ku dengar dia berkata
"aku fana dalam kenikmatan Cinta yang meluap, tapi disini pula aku di dera derita yang sungguh hebat"
dia lelap berselimut jubah hitam,
sebuah jubah kematian


Suatu malam, kunang-kunang berkumpul, mereka merasa sedih karena rindu ingin bersatu dengan lilin. Mereka semua berkata: "Kita harus menemukan seseorang yang memberi kabar kepada kita mengenai yang sangat kita rindukan."

Salah satu kunang-kunang tersebut kemudian pergi ke sebuah istana yang jauh dan melihat cahaya lilin di dalamnya. Ia kembali dan menceritakan kepada yang lain mengenai yang telah ia lihat dan mulai menggambarkan lilin tersebut seteliti mungkin. Akan tetapi kunang-kunang yang bijaksana, yang menjadi pemimpin kelompok mereka berkata: "Ia tidak menceritakan informasi yang sebenarnya mengenai lilin itu." Kunang-kunang yang lain kemudian mengunjungi lilin tersebut dan mendekati cahayanya serta menyentuhnya dengan sayapnya; panasnya lilin memaksanya mundur dan ia pun gagal. Akhirnya ia kembali setelah mengetahui sedikit rahasia lilin, dan menjelaskan sedikit mengenai arti bersatu dengan lilin, tetapi kunang-kunang yang bijaksana berkata kepadanya: "Sebenarnya penjelasanmu tidak lebih dari pendahulumu."

Kunang-kunang yang ketiga pun bangkit, dengan dipenuhi dengan cinta, ia menjatuhkan dirinya ke dalam cahaya lilin. Ia menjatuhkan dirinya dan mengembangkan antenanya ke arah api. Begitu seluruh tubuhnya telah masuk ke dalam pelukan cahaya lilin, anggota tubuhnya merah membara seperti cahaya itu sendiri. Ketika kunang-kunang yang bijaksana dari kejauhan melihat lilin telah menyatu dengan kunang-kunang dan memberikan cahayanya sendiri kepada kunang-kunang itu, ia berkata: "Kunang-kunang ini telah mencapai keinginannya, tetapi ia sendiri mengerti apa yang telah ia capai. Yang lain tidak ada yang mengetahuinya sama sekali."